Tuesday 13 December 2011

New Hottie Alert!

This is a special blog for all you girlies out there!.......
Feast your eyes upon this piece of man-candy! YES thats right, this new hunk of junk from the MTV's series Pretty Little Liars is raging to break into the limelight....supposedly with more than one talent?

Brant Daugherty or Noel Kahn, is said to have attended Harvard studying mathematics! .....And is said to raise both tension and pressure in the hit programme and get involved in a few naughty situations. So this regular hottie is not just gorgeous but a bad boy too plus a total intelectual brainiac?!

Do I pick 'em or do I pick 'em?!

Who's your new crush?

Saskia XO


  1. Love him- however Mr. Fitz is quite the looker...;D xx

  2. Okay, I'm a bit late but I LOVE Aidan Turner from Being Human! He has to be the sexiest vampire around. Also, Tom Felton is looking pretty good these days...

  3. Tom Felton (Malfoy!) was so cute when he was in Harry Potter, I agree but not really my type nowadays, I'm more into brunettes like Matt Lanter! You should check him out, he's seriously hot :) xxxx


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