Thursday 22 March 2012

Recipe for a Splendid Spring...

lace shorts
Yesterday was the first day of Spring! Also known as the Spring Equinox. Spring is easily my favourite season—all the flowers are blooming, baby animals are being born, the weather is beginning to warm up… As someone once said, “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’” Yes!

Last year, many blogettes posted blogs about their key pieces for a perfect spring wardrobe, so this year I thought it would be fun to share all of the things that make for an ideal spring in my mind.

Without further ado, here is my recipe for a Splendid Spring...

1 cup of collecting wildflowers

3 tablespoons of music festivals {I suggest Coachella}

A dash of Sweet Peep Sushi

2 handfuls of my SPRINGredients

2 teaspoon of spring favourites {these are great too}

1 stick of 30+ SPF

A splash of adventure

A sprinkle morning hikes

1 heaping scoop of laughter {this is a great substitute too}

Instructions: Mix all ingredients together over a 3-month run and enjoy!

What are you hoping to do this spring? Make your list in the comments below…or better yet, your recipe!

Saskia XO

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