(Note: All suitors will remain anonymous.)
Lauren's Best: "The best Valentine’s Day I ever had was simple and sweet. My guy met me at my house after school and told me to put on comfy shoes. I wasn’t sure what the mystery date could possibly entail, but I went along with the charade. Next thing I knew, I was blindfolded and sitting in the passenger seat of his car as we drove up into the hills along the coast. Once we got to the destination, he guided me up a small path (still blindfolded). When he took off my blindfold I found myself surrounded by dozens of candles along with a picturesque picnic complete with my favourite flowers and food from my favourite restaurant. Simply put, it was a magical evening—unexpected, sweet, simple and absolutely perfect. Definitely a tough act to beat if you ask me…"
Sophie's Best: "My favourite one would have to be when my boyfriend at the time had come over that morning and left a note in my car (that I had no idea about). After about an hour he called me and told me to look at the note....and then follow what it said. He took me on a scavenger hunt through notes he left at certain places, such as: where we first met, where our first kiss was and so on. The last note took me to a park where I found him awaiting with a picnic and presents. It was amazing and I will always remember it!"
Lily's Best: " So this one Valentine's Day...I had just finished school and my boyfriend of two years was standing outside the gate (foot up against the wall and all that jazz...), when he handed me the most amazing box. It had inside it's vintage inspired lid.... momentum's over the past two years of our relationship together. After wrapping my arms around him in shere and utter adomoration and catching a glimpse of a few of the jealous girl's eyes who happened to be 'lingering by'...he then drove me away in his car and took me up into his house where he had prepared the most amazing meal for us. We then spent the evening watching an abundance of movies....or well what we saw of them ;) It was definitively the best Valentine's Day ever and will never be forgotten."
Kristin's Best: "I am a girl that likes to be wooed....I'll admit it. So my favourite Valentine's Day was when my guy had pretended that he had nothing planned but then.... unexpectedly (after a day of cursing to anyone in my presence and remaining depressed), he rang to tell me to come and meet him in an unknown address. Tired and not in the mood I obliged and followed, after my best friend's orders, on (what seemed) his laborious instructions. I arrived in a fancy restaurant which he had hired out for the entire night. It was breathtaking and he had prepared all my favourite foods and decorations to dress the room with. It was lavish and amazing.....but hey that's me! Best V-Day ever!"
Mia's Worst: "A while back I was dating a boy and made the executive decision to take Valentine’s Day into my own hands. I decided to surprise him with dinner at his favorite restaurant. Before dinner, I went and decorated the table—I set up all my presents and had a whole night of festivities planned. I had him meet me at the restaurant and when he showed up…he was drunk! It was really lame."
Lottie's Worst: "One time my boyfriend made dinner for me and I drank too many cocktails. He didn't drink as much and we ended up having a fight. Yeah....it was pretty bad."
Sienna's Worst: "I forgot it was Valentine's Day and my boyfriend was working so I went to dinner with my best guy friend. The restaurant brought us all these dishes for two and it was really awkward but the worst thing was that I didn't realise until we got up to leave....that my boyfriend's sister was on the opposite table. Her face was unimpressed....she never did like me."
My Cutest: "When I was back in primary school, the only day I HAD to be late, a guy who I had no idea had been secretly crushing on me had left a red rose and box of chocolates in my place......So as I walked through the classroom door everyone was whispering (including the teacher). As I glanced over to my place, I saw the abundance that welcomed me....and ran out the room crieing!!!! I hate being the centre of attention and could not handle (at the age of 8), the thought of a guy liking me! N'awwww!"
So the dirt's been dished....now it's your time to spill......
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Saskia XO
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